Friday, September 5, 2008


I have no interest in seeing any more high-priced pictures of the knocked-up daughter of the Repblicans' VP nominee.


Until last week, I had never heard of the Republicans' VP nominee.
Her household's a virtual breeding ground, from what I've gleened. And yet she favors abstinence lessons in public schools.
Hello? Public school monitors? Has that abstinence thing ever worked?
Me and Barracuda are about the same age. Too young, to me, to contemplate or activate grandma/pa mode.
Strangely, I envy the predicament. Yes, the whole world knows your child defied you in the most blatant way. Still, you'll have the energy and the assets to indulge that new little baby like there's no tomorrow.
As disconnected as most families are these days, the VP's lot is unfortunately common.
Let's just not allow the situation we're all tuned-in to, without really wanting to, to foster the notion among our young girls and boys that if it's OK in THAT family, it's OK in ours too.


onix said...

not only pregnancy's the whole thing is about hypocrit values.. global warming? not in alaska.. and look we found someone who got a nobel price once for stating there is no climate change for saying it again.
Its all very dumb and unimportant. A people that for 40% or even more believe creationist storys will take ages to get over that, with perpetual extra nonsense projected for them, on tv etc.

what is more worrying i there is like 1000s of gossips about her, she put a 7000 ppl community 20M in debt within a year, she is supposed to have abused her office, etc, etc. noone hardly bothers, that is the clearest signal sth. is very wrong with her. And with teh republicans as a whole, for teh rest, even here on teh other side of teh ocean, palin we never ever heard of before, gets positive headlines all teh time. "dutch woman favour palin" well actually when that was published i just had asked a couple of rather politically informed woman about palin. and they never even herard of her.

You 2, u usians, are mislead by similar means, nonsensical statements about teh populace headlining page wide. and you all take it pretty serious..
ofcourse we may preach change, but if not even half of a population has the faintest about what is truth and what is lie(improbable) in page-wide headlines, and sympathise with her patience with her 'knocked up' dauhter wich she doesnt show to usual people....
we are just dealing with a bunch of idiots like teh dutch.

Well even the dutch i would generously grant a fairer representation, but.. also the dutch don't have that, get lied to daily, and will probably not achieve that.

Usia people have shown this 'will for change' but now they start believing all the crap again. One factor in that is that most usians treat this whole matter biasedly. They think: if we keep lieing people will buy it, and comments on international fora have rissen to an unknown degree of mangling the truth and hypocracy... kind of like "sure we are no racists, but look how miss pale paling palest pales palest." nice headline, pale comparison.

i think its idiot , it idiot overhere as well.
gl with it,

A. Scott Walton said...

thanks for weighing in so heavily