Monday, December 1, 2008

Hail To The Grief (And Obama's Rhythm)

They're saying today that President-Elect Barack Obama has just assembled the greatest national security team in modern history.


Better still, he locked down the greatest domestic security leader possible in his wife, Michelle Obama, years ago.

He's going to need her.

The challenges he's facing are no joke. Obama's in a position untold millions of American males stare down daily with doubt: stuck between jobs; ready and willing to lead, and wondering who'll truly follow.

In times like these, a fella needs a pillar of a woman at his side.

Looks like he's got one.

Moreover, he's got the daughters _ Sasha (7) and Malia (10) _ to think of. That makes three females he's got to try and keep happy while he endeavors to "salvage America's reputation around the world". Tough sledding.

And I wonder how much tough it might be if there was a First Son going to the White House. Would Obama have to posture more stridently if there were more Y chromosomes floating around the residence?

It's refreshing to read the recent Associated Press report detailing how the Obamas have already agreed that puppy poop-scooping and bed-making will be among their daughters' chores during their tenure.

Some boundaries and duties should never be compromised.


Anonymous said...

What about the blatant gangsterism in Chicago?
When I first heard the Gov was attempting to sell Obama's Senate seat! I figured they meant his chair... on EBay!!

A. Scott Walton said...

Chicago is what it is. I recall my favorite uncle taking me, as a tike, to a walk-up sausage sandwich shop on the south side. I had the presence of mind them to the remark that the place looked dirty. He remarked: "That's what makes it taste good!"
My grandparents once took me to Comiskey Park for a game and out picnic basket got jacked by a guy sitting next to us by a guy who shrugged that the fried chicken simply smelled too good.
What about it indeed. Chicago ain't never changin', pardner. For the most part, hallelujah.
That chump Gov. (for the moment) seems imbalanced. Chicago as a whole is as steady as it gets.