Monday, June 23, 2008

BET: Black Enanbler Television?

It's probably too late to apologize.

There's this special BET's airing this week that essentially pulls a scab off a wound the network itself played a large part in causing.

"Where did the love go?", indeed.

Let's just take a guess and say that the unstoppable slide of black men and women's levels of disrespect, scorn and manipulation of each other started some time around the time of Ja' Rules short-lived days of heavy rotation (give or take a few years). Suffice it to say the damage started long before anyone considered that a festering sore was born.

Thank goodness no one in our house grows weary of watching "The Wiz" on DVD and soaking in Quincey Jones' orchestrations and the phenomenal cinematography and mind-blowing costumes.

Funny, how a fantasy film can ground you, whether you're 4 or 44, in realistic principals far better than the rhythmic tales from the 'hood that the entertainment channel supposedly by and for us ever could.

But enough of my preaching. Time to TiVo "The Jeffersons", let the rest of Hugh Masekela's "Time" download, and think of other creative things to do with my wife and child while the question of how love got "lost" gets skewered as a lead-up to an awards show celebrating music that caused its disappearance.

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