Saturday, January 26, 2008

Obama, Yo Mama and how not to shop for home furnishings with your wife...

I hope the Boss Lady finds her way onto this blog some day and reads this entry because I mean it as a heartfelt apology.

I was, as you would put it mildly, a dickhead today because I hate shopping at Ikea.

Don't get me wrong. It's a fine store and you're sometimes fun to shop with. But that place overwhelms me and I'm already too jaded for whiz-bang experiences like that. I didn't wake up thinking it was time to buy the Big'un a bigger bed. I thought I'd earn my "good guy" points for the day by getting my mom out of the house for the pedicure she wanted so badly. After that I was gonna hit the couch and waste the day watching Tiger blow away the Buick Invitational field. As usual, after that, I'd cook us a great meal.

But no. My quick mission with mommy dear turned into a hunt for new dining room furniture as well as the bed. All that threw me off. In hindsight: if we have to get a new table, (huff, puff) the cheaper, rectangular one is the only logical way to go (we can worry about the chairs later, or just buy really nice table cloths and go with what's working for us already); and if it was up to me we'd by that minimalist box frame they had on sale for $30, paint it to fit the color scheme I'm sure we'll have to redo next and reward ourselves later for the thrift and ingenuity.

Moving on...
I got so stressed that I snapped back at my mother when she told me to smile. No matter what, she wants me to grin and bear it. But I don't have a fake bone in my body. I didn't want to be there. Forgive me.

Fast forward...
How great are these hours in the afterglow of Barack's primary win in South Carolina? Doesn't it feel great raising a child in an age when he could drift in and out of attendance to the victory speech as if he takes it for granted that a black man could become President in his lifetime? 

Aren't you proud that our boy refers as casually to Obama now as he has for the longest to Tiger?

Squatting barefoot on the comforter in the den with you three, and the puppy nipping unnervingly at our heels, while the Crescent State shouted "Yes we can!" To me, that's joy. 


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