Thursday, January 24, 2008

They spinnin', n***a, they spinnin'!

So what's the scenario?

Say you're a cat like me who went (twice) through the sub-prime mortgage wringer.

You dug your way our of that bad-debt avalanche.

You're "fixed", so to speak. But the houses around your piece aren't exactly selling like hotcakes. And your current job ain't exactly foisting the collards on you like Granny on New Year's Day either.

Given all that, should someone like you be thrilled about some sorta tax rebate that's gonna kick you back $600-plus (if you're lucky and the politicians' stop-gap plan holds together) in one lump some?

Weak and/or welcome as that infusion of cash may be, what's your strategy for applying it?

As a dad living in what's long (and, perhaps, undeservedly) been considered a "questionable" public school district, I'm tempted to apply all of that back-handed handout into some kinda 529 fund that'll help us pay for college in case his grades, scores or athletic prowess don't gain him a free ride.

(Make your boys repeat this ten times nightly: "Free ride, free ride, free ride....")

If he has trouble grasping the concept, tell him it means a brand new car if Daddy doesn't have to pay a single cent for you to college. And, as a parting gift if you don't get a free ride, here's a lovely set of steak knives. Take your pick, buddy.

Everybody's got a theory. I'd like to know who else thinks tucking the dough away is the best tact. But just out of jealous curiosity, it'd be cool to know what I'd be missing by not splurging on 'found' money.

"Make MY funk the P-Funk!"


Geo said...

the so-called economic stimulus plan is a joke - it's really bush's feeble attempt to give the impression that he did something to stave off the impending recession (that he pretty much caused) - it's a band-aid that will do nothing more than provide a quick, short-lived 'high' for around 30% of us - he did something similar right after he took office - if i remember correctly, that check, at least mine, was around 600 bucks - if only we could splice barack and ron paul - ron paul's proposed policies with barack's game would be ideal for getting america back on the path to realizing it's intended potential

it's never a bad idea to save for college, although how we're going to amass 100k in 10-15 years is beyond me but be thankful for the hope scholarship and the lesser known hope grant which pretty much any georgia kid can use to go to trade school - i have no problem with any of my kids owning a nice sized plumbing or electrical company

as for kwame kilpatrick and coach shockley the obvious question becomes, "when are we gonna learn?"
when you consider the woman-to-man ratio in the world is at least 3-to-1 it's not hard to understand why it's so tough for men to resist the temptation to take on mistress or two but it's impossible to conceal for any extended period of time, the effort required to keep it concealed is almost not worth it and no matter how slick you think you are you're gonna eventually get busted and the consequences can be dire

A. Scott Walton said...

well said, as always

Geo said...

'sub-prime mortgage wringer...bad debt avalanche' two very unflattering descriptions but one of the few things that rivals the number of misconceptions about the sub-prime mortgages is the number of excuses black folks are coming up with to not vote for barack obama

the 3 biggest doozies i've heard regarding peoples reluctance to vote for barack are:

1) "...i dont want barack to inherit the iraq war mess..." - it will undoubtedly have a negative effect on his legacy

2) "...hillary has a better chance to defeat the republican nominee..." - and heaven forbid another 4 to 8 years of GOP leadership from the executive branch

3) beware this is kind of outrageous - heard if from a chick on the marta train - "...he's half white..." - well, einstein, all the other candidates are 'whole white' - duh!

if Barack was unwilling and/or unable to handle the iraq war mess he would have dropped out of the race by now or never ran at all

the democratic party leadership, once all the primaries and caucuses are done, will nominate whomever either has a clear-cut mandate or whomever they deem has the best chance to defeat the GOP nominee

the 1/2 white comment was so idiotic as to barely deserve a response but it's not a bad time in american history to be a talented and capable black dude (or 1/2 black) - just ask tiger, will smith, colin powell, condi, oprah....